Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Forecasting App Store

"Апп" стор буюу бидний мэдэх эппликэйшн-ий их дэлгүүрүүдийн талаар олон тоо баримт үзэж харсан.  Ирэх 5 жилд аль Апп дэлгүүр манлайлах бол. Апп татан авалт асар ихээр нэмэгдэж байгааг зөвхөн Мкдоналдсийн бургертэй харьцуулахад ямар байгааг энгийнээр доорх график болон хүснэгтэд энэ талаар дүрсэлжээ. Би ч санал нэг байна.

Apple App Store:
Google Android Market: 

Эх сурвалж:

Saturday, July 2, 2011

50 Wireless Quick Facts (CTIA, US)


1. Wireless broadband investment will create as many as 205,000 jobs by 2015.1 

2. For every $1 invested in wireless broadband, it will create an additional $7-10 for GDP.2 

3. Consumers spend >$63 billion/year in the world on wireless accessories (cases, batteries, memory cards, hands-free kits, headsets, etc).3

4. Mobile entertainment content and services (games, music, social media, etc) revenue projected to increase from $33.2 billion in 2010 to $38.4 billion in 2011.4

5. Businesses spent more than $1.9 billion in 2010 on non-handsets (e.g. tablets, notebooks, e-readers); by 2014, it will be more than $5 billion on non-handsets.5

6. Wireless economic contributions have grown faster (16%) than the rest of the economy (3%).6

7. The wireless industry directly/indirectly employs >2.4 million Americans.7 

8. Since CTIA started tracking in 1985, the cumulative industry investment has totaled more than $310 billion, not including more than $40 billion in payments to the U.S. Treasury for spectrum.8

9. Estimates of productivity gains from wireless broadband services are >$860 billion from 2005-2016.9

10. U.S. has the highest minutes of use (MOUs) per month per user and the lowest average revenue per minute of service of the 26 OECD countries tracked by Bank of America Merrill Lynch.10 

11. The annual consumer survey released in March 2011 found that “95.3% of wireless customers are satisfied with their wireless service.”11

12. Wireless jobs paid >50% higher than the national average of other production workers.12

13. In 2010, U.S. providers reported making capital investments totaling $24.9 billion, which was more than the providers in the 5 largest European countries (France, Germany, Italy, Spain and UK) spent combined ($17.9 billion, 2009).13


14. More than 630 different handsets and devices are manufactured by more than 32 companies for the U.S. market.14

15. From April 2010-March 2011, major handset makers launched more than 120 new smartphones.15 

16. The first 4G handset was introduced in March 2010. As of June 2011, there are dozens of handsets and tablets on a number of carriers from a variety of device manufacturers.16 

17. More than 242 million of the handsets operating on wireless carriers’ networks are capable of browsing the web.17 

18. 18. 270 million data-capable devices, including 78.2 million smart phones or wireless-enabled PDAs and 13.6 million wireless-enabled laptops, notebooks, tablets or wireless broadband modems, are in the hands of consumers as of December 2010.18